stuck in square one
I don’t have much to say today…the clouds may change but I continue to float in a raft of indecision, watching speed boats blow by me, desiring less and less to be on their path, to endure the wrath of the power struggle…the monotonous thrill ride of cheating others out of money for the sake of bettering my position in society…but I’m painting with a wide fact I’m not painting at all, I’m writing….simply carrying on, much ado about nothing….so much terror and pain exists in our world…so many stories to be told to publishing houses and sold……beach reads and fresh leads…only if it bleeds… yet I don’t have much to say today. An Arlington Virginia husband, at this very moment, is watching over his 26 year old wife whose brain stopped functioning all of a sudden due to an undiscovered brain tumor. The USA Today article describes their competing against each-other in Monopoly and her victory dance whenever she’d “walk all over” her husband, their 2 year old son asking “where’s mommy,” his having quit his job to be by her, as well as his other relatives who have taken ill. His only hope is that the 21 week old baby she is carrying will survive another month, a symbol of her flame which is soon to be extinguished…..and was it not for modern medicine the candle would have been blown out by the breath of God. I could digress to a thousand different perspectives on this story and its symbolic representation of human resolve in adversity, the impact of science and medicine on our view of religion and everything happening for a reason, reasons why living and loving in the moment are so vital to our stories….but I can’t. I’ve to distract my mind with work, because work pays the bills so I can live, breed, retire, and die…..having climbed some type of ladder, having saved a bit of money, having taken a couple weeks vacation a year, having rinsed, washed, and repeated my soul until I’m completely worn out and broken, incontinent and finally able to read and write and travel and experience the Glory of God….if in fact (s)he even exists………god be with that man, his wife, his unborn baby, and their two year old son.
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