le mot du jour
ingenuous \in-JEN-yoo-uhs\, adjective: 1. Demonstrating childlike simplicity; innocent; naive. 2. Free from reserve, restraint, or guile; open; frank.
It's a bit ingenuous to offer information to a reporter with a notebook in her hand and then expect not to be quoted. --Sadie Mah, "Quoting an interviewee," [1]Jakarta Post, September 17, 1999
In a sense, I'd like to maintain an ingenuous approach towards the creation of this blog site.
I strolled into work this morning and was greated with frustrated faces again. 3 out of 5 employees counting down the endless hours until freedom, until 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Nothing like the dull drone of computers in a poorly lit office to cheer ya up on a steaming June day.
There's a contest I've been pondering entrance to. The goal, to write an essay on what it means to be twenty something. Such a difficult topic due to the fact that being 20 something means many things to many people of all cultures, races, and dispositions. I've led such an obscure 25 years as an outsider/observer. How do I create an essay that is so seemless in its approach yet revolutionary in its concepts and ideas while handling the topic well enough to paint a spectrum to which the 20 something children of the world can relate?
I'm working on that, or actually I'm not, but I fool myself into thinking I am by, well, thinking about it. A goal and a plan, that's the first step.
Do it. Show how ingenuous you are. I look forward to reading it. What is it like be 20 something? Put those thoughts on paper.
Anonymous, at 3:14 PM
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