
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

i don't know where to take this, maybe it will evolve as vietnam repeats itself?

Still. Still calm and raging with desire. Still trying to shred long lost layers, tossing nightmares and fears into the proverbial fire. Escaping for once, not by running away, rather facing the demons within, a product of some supposed original sin. This dominion, this world, this excuse for a chance at redemption

Redeem me from a persistent state of madness and self inflicted aggression, misdirected emotions and devotions to false prophets, controlled by a country of money hungry right white men forever cutting the bottom line, sick and driven by a primal hunger for profits.

"Oil, there's oil amongst the soils of the Middle East. Round up the troops it's time to bring peace,"

Countries long at war with humanity, delusional, lost, on the brink of absolute insanity. Women abused and used as pieces of their property, not loved and cherished, revered as the ought to be. Poor Johnny and Jenny lost their lives, fighting for false ideals, patriot acts, a country brought to its knees. As impoverished Americans continue to deliver calls and pleas: disease, fever, aids, desperation on which mass media continues to feed, eluded, deceived,

"We're on a hunt for oil, I mean terror, Iraq's WMD's"

My freedoms to moan permitted through the sacrifice of others, my relatives: sisters, brothers of other mothers…….and every night on NBC, I see their tears, hear their fears, questions, "Mr. President, how many more years," until they can have their children back, safe in their arms, on familiar soil, not fighting a lost war in the hellhole that has become IRAQ. Clerics and sheiks, a vision of Allah perverted by Taliban freaks, terrorists inflicting hopelessness in a world from which we fell out of grace, a chance at utopia forever erased

Bring it on I say…Deliver threats and slow the pace of our lives. Be jealous, hate us, round up the insurgents for a chance at jihad, believe in your sick, fucked up, vengeful and hatefilled god, there awaits not 21 one virgins in your lands of honey and wine, your spineless fucks, the truth shall be revealed in time…we're a people of peace, a people who have begun to believe in peace in the middle east, Mecca, Jerusalem, supposed homes of the divine.

Luckily the gods are calling, "sow your seeds, harvest hope no matter how sparse the rains falling"

prepare to bask in infinite glory for one day will reveal the second chapter of this epic story.


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