a testament to not writing while under the influence
the following blog is for the eyes and ears of
mature freaks and geeks, who won’t judge yet
understand that I’m tiny and meek, unsure of my style,
an engineer, not a writer since, well, it’s been quite
what this country is lacking is a fcuking revolution,
the underclass, the silent, unnoticed majority of
America’s mankind
speaking out to bring about change
to rearrange the way which rich white right wing men
look at reality.
a small majority, minority, the playboy’s club of
million and billionaire’s who hold enough wealth to
alleviate problems of peoples and nations across the globe
continuing to pledge their allegiance to the
son of god, a man who’d reveal their cruel light, a
perilous shadow on poverty and plight, cast on the
and yet i know not of what I speak,
it’s easy to paint with a wide brush,
read later
ponder and tweak
attempting to expose corruption,
unholy ways to be and see
society’s progress poisoned by our most revered,
our politicians, our
progressive thinkers who challenge doctrines and
radicals in humanity’s daily drama.
My generation, Generation Me, needs a revolution, a
movement or a voice to show legions of brainwashed
teens that life is their choice, their chance to
explore and expose, to challenge and grow from the
depths of despair and recession in a cycle of
perpetual progression. We’re stuck in square one,
consumed by consumption and driven to self
destruction, delivering our hard earned dolla bills to
cheap thrills and weekend fills of decadence and
debauchery, livin lives like present generations ought
to be, trusting our instincts and questioning the
answers,discovering new methods of destroying
presumptions and cancers
answering simply “where, when and why”
dreaming, indulging
getting high on our own supply
a new generation, not focused on itself, yet in love
and alive, something for the history books hidden
amongst myriad accomplishments, bound on a dusty
i’m coming out of my cage and I’m feeling just fine
realeasing a deluge of thoughts loged deep in a tender
so I’ll tell you how I really feel, reveal, say the
to echo inside the ears of my peers,
my humble herd.
welcome to another year, another beer goes down the
hatch, one more chance to devour that devilish
heavenly sweet succulent.....
shuuut yo
mouth and listen.
as I contine to diverge
splurging on retail therapy
pleasantly lost in the firmament of my mind’s eye
a moment of sexual reverie,
sealing fate
a big fat fucking smile
as two naked bodies
lost in heat.