
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

this seems to be the common thread

I don’t care
About writing
Whether or not it is my calling
I’m avoiding every ounce of sweat and work
That could resuscitate me from wallowing in despair
From repeating myself over and over
Passing through the dayz
Progress a verb that long lay dormant in a diminishing vocabulary
One that’s not been stoked by the fires of inspiration for all too long
As all to long I long for answers which are directly in front of my eyes
Conceiving and believing lies
He knows that I avoid his knowledge
That I fear redemption
That I believe in His power
For no apparent reason
My method
Tearing up and trying to avoid work
Working towards a solution
Solutions to my life’s problems

None of this makes cents

When it could

And it should

For the time being

Closing my eyes

And hardly seeing.

Asleep and Aware.

Afraid of accepting the dare

Daring to change as circumstances rearrange.

3/6/05 6:11PM


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