i am not a religious man.
I am not a religious man. Let me correct that, I've never been a religious man. Events which have transpired over the past five years have guided me from the train of thought of an agnostic to that of a believer. Some might even call me a seeker of a higher truth, although for years, the higher I got the longer truth evaded me. I believe there is a god. Luckily I was raised outside the realm of blind belief since rebellion is a gene with which I was bestowed. Blind belief clouds the views of otherwise intelligent people, narrowing their minds to believe in one truth and no other: "Me or them, unless of course, I convert them." .
I am told by my step-father and various books I've read that the first step is to believe, which, apparently, I do. But then the Jesus agenda is dropped in my lap, a need to believe that Jesus is my saviour, that he died for my sins, that he will lead me on a path towards glory, that he displayed miracles to the people of his time, and that he is the son of God. That's quite a spoonful to swallow when I inhabit a world with billions of people who are the sons and daughters of God, all believing what they want to, exhibiting their right to free choice in applicable cases. Too much hypocracy, too many illusions and delusions exist in the minds of pious people with pious agendas that push their views and their path towards heaven onto others.
From time to time I'm inspired by people who view God as not an entity to which we must attone, rather a perpetual destination, an ethereal being of infinite love, a vaccum completely devoid of hatred or ill will, retribution or desperation. Open your eyes and return to a world of tolerance, of understanding, of compassion and of hope, our world, attained through a pure way of being and seeing that the path towards heaven is paved in Gold and the devil left us colorblind.
from Emysubel:
Hate has only one source - the opposite of the Giver of Love - and I would question the person who claims himself a Christian - (meaning Christ-like) and then killing someone for a cause he believes in. One evil deed does not erase another - his murdering of one man for the victims of abortion. It is a good thing that we are not the ultimate Judge - only God Himself can read the heart of this man and judge him accordingly.We - you and I - must choose to love always - it is not our place to punish people for their acts. That is God's business. And at the end of our lives, it is He we will answer to. I choose to have as little to discuss with Him as I possibly, humanly can.
do you write these at work?
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM
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