And the day she came North, not as a friend visiting, but as a girl chasing the one for whom she felt an overwhelming burgeoning love, was remembered as one of the saddest days of his life. Life as he knew it could have progressed down two clear paths: one leading towards point at which they might have discovered a love that would have lit thousands of nerve endings in perpetual delight, bringing them 10 steps closer to god and one step closer to an eternal bond built off of trust and hope and the giddy anticipation of discovery.
But as the fog hung thick over a slicked and soaked college town side street, she stepped out of her car and shouted his name in elation, illuminated with a halo born of the soft yellow glow of the streetlights penetrating the lingering myst, creating the illusion that she was an angel, his angel, the light out of the darkness. In a gut wrenching instant of agonizing revelation, he understood that life was going to be even more fuct then he could have imagined. This was mental, he was mental, the whole situation was, well, a literal head-fcuk.
And as life always seems to do at the most inopportune times, the otherpath was chosen for him by a deity one step away from reality and onestep closer to his reality, his disease, his fear, that which he inflicted on her, on them, on everything and everyone everywhere he went until nothingwas left...of their love, of his sanity, of any semblance of a man in control.
Very interesting. Will you tell us more? - moi
Anonymous, at 9:38 AM
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