
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

caught in a lie

"Cigarette; my ass! When have you ever been addicted to nicotine? I understand the message conveyed, but can you preach the truth for once? Just a thought from a fan."

True true my friend....I would have said weed but feared my relatives might get wind of this boring site. Truth be told, all I wanted at the moment I was writing cigarette was another puff of a joint..........but I quit that stuff, clouds the mind and destroys the lungs. I was fooled to believe it opens anything other than an acute pathway to manic delusional thoughts, or even an animalistic urge to procreate as it surreptitiously sterilized testicular virility.

anywho. I know that cigarette addiction can be beaten....none of my friends truly want to quit....so many people I know refuse to quit...maybe they started out of a need for something to do with their hands at the bars and clubs, or maybe out of rebellion, or maybe cause it calms their nerves, or maybe they even enjoy the taste. One claim by Glaxo Smith and Klein is that Wellbutrin (generically referred to as Buproprin) can and does aid in smoking cessation. What they don't mention as often as they should is the fact that it also has a tendency to increase the sex drive. Imagine, quit smoking, feel the benefits of an antidepressant, and have an increased desire to procreate. Side effects include.......anixety, delusional thoughts, restlessness, slight risk of seizure, etc etc.....oddly enough, side effects don't include dying a premature death from having destroyed god given lungs by years and years of calming addicted nerves.

there is hope. it just really fcuking sucks to draw it out from under the burden of habit.


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